And, I was busy again last night. Went to Costco and Wal Mart and stocked up on towels and bathroom things to tie together some loose ends in our bathrooms. Plus, I found a sleeper with firetrucks on it for the baby shower this weekend (for the Lake Louise Fire Chief's new addition). I've been looking for something with fire trucks on it and couldn't find anything and then I saw two of these sleepers. Just two left in the pile. Good shopping trip.
When I got home, I put out all my new purchases and hung a bunch of pictures and clocks all over the house that I've been procrastinating with. I even finished my kitchen feature spot.
If you want to do this, it's really quite simple. I gathered all of my black framed pictures and layed them out on the floor as I'd like to see them on the wall. Measured how big of a square I'd need if I left a bit of a border around the collage and then taped that onto my wall (use a level and a measuring tape, don't just guess).
Then I painted a square a shade darker than the wall (two of the walls in the kitchen are this darker shade):
and hung my photo collage (again, a level and a measuring tape come in handy):
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Took a bit of time, but it works on that big wall.
And while I worked, Bailey slept....