On the island of Rhodes, we spent our time in Rhodes City, as we had so little of it. We explored the Old Town and walked around the port area and even had a 30 second hail storm while we ate supper. The hail was the size of golf balls and just appeared out of the blue. Luckily, we were under cover and just pushed our chairs back a bit and enjoyed the show. As fast as it came, it passed and the weather returned to cloudy, but nice.
These flowers look like a lily, but they grow on trees, they're quite impressive.
We hopped on a ferry this morning and got two new stamps in our passport and a visa for Turkey (our passports have gotten a lot more interesting on this trip).
We landed in Marmari and then hopped on a bus to Selcuk. The people here are all very friendly, and it feels very safe (to reassure a few parents who may be reading). Everyone invites us for tea and the culture is very family-oriented and welcoming, partly because they want to sell you a rug...
We visited the ruins of Ephesus today and wandered through the remains of the 10th Century city, which is in remarkably good shape, for the most part. However, it's real claim to fame is the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, but the remains of this have since been destroyed.
This was the library,
and the theatre.
And, from Wonders of the World, to ancient toilets... Brad will even demonstrate how they work for you.
And on that note, we're off again.
Hi B & K: Looks like super old stuff! Any books left in the library? How about any stink left in the outdoor toilets? There might just be enough food left for Bailey until you return - we'll see. And we'll see you soon. D:) & G/M
No books and no stink, just Brad being funny... kind of.
If he needs more, I know they sell it at the pet store in the mall in Lethbridge. Again, we'll pay you back after.Thanks again for dog-sitting!
See you soon.
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