We didn't travel this weekend, but had another busy one. Friends and family came to visit and our change table, crib and stroller got broken in a little with all the babies. My parents, Curtis, Brandi and Jada came to visit Thursday night. We went to the Eskimos/Stampeders game for my dad's birthday, and it was a fantastic game! Jada was a trooper and stayed up for the whole game and didn't really fuss at all.
Brad and mom got to cheer for their Stamps a bit, but luckily, the rest of us got to leave victorious. Those two were much quieter on the way home...
And a shot of the newest Eskimos fan:
Friday, we visited and went for a walk to the park and then went for supper with Broc and Steph and Kale, Brad's brother, sister-in-law and nephew. The Benedicts headed home Friday night and the rest of us played grid crib and let Kale entertain us.
Saturday, we all went to the zoo in Edmonton and then hit West Ed for a few minutes, then headed home for pizza, ice cream and more visiting.
A Red Panda at the Zoo (through foggy glass):
And Kale, testing out Saskatoon's stroller at the zoo:
Sunday, Broc, Steph and Kale packed up and headed out and Lee, Keri and Caden showed up from Lake Louise. We had a good visit with them and then I spent some time putting away clothes in the baby's room and rearranging things a little while Brad mowed the yard and helped clean up.
Whew! Three babies under the age of one, four couples, one extra dog and Brad, Bailey, Saskatoon and myself were all in this house this weekend. Busy, but so good to see everyone and see how those kidlets are growing up!
Now I need to backtrack just a bit and share the Benedict family picture we took at my aunt's wedding on the August Long Weekend. Such a nice day for a wedding and the golf course was beautiful.
If you remember, a few weeks back, I shared a picture of Brad's side of the family... here's a recap:

A bit of a descrepancy in size between these families... I never thought of our family as small until I met his!
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