Also, the ultrasound tech said everything looks good, still looks like we're having a girl, but that we might be a week behind where we thought we were.... Hmmmmmm, hope not. Nice to see Saskatoon is still doing good and seems to be a healthy weight, but these late ultrasounds are impossible to see. She kept pointing things out to me, but the baby is so packed in there, it's hard to make much out.
Brad's slo-pitch team lost last night, which means they're out of the playoffs and his year is over. They played really well though. Went into the playoffs in last place (8th) and came back to lose to the number one ranked team in the semi-finals. Not too shabby. They were the comeback team, everybody loved them, especially the beer vendors at the ball park :)
I've been scrapbooking a little, but have spent my first two days of maternity leave running to doctor's appointments, banking, picking up the new car, going to ball games, visiting friends, and unfortunately, wrapping up more work stuff. Today, I'm going to sit and scrapbook as much as possible. No interuptions until Brad gets home from work! Yay!
I'm almost done my Europe album! Can you believe it? One or two pages left.... yippee! Plus, I've done a bit more in my pregnancy journal. Here's a sneak peak at a few of the pages:

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