We've been ridiculously busy this month, and it's not letting up anytime soon.
We were in Lethbridge on the My long weekend, came home, spent the first week of June in Hanna, at my parents farm, then we were home for three days, and then off again to Lethbridge last week. Brad stayed there for the weekend and looked after Gracie (for the first time- all by himself and he did great) and I headed to Great Falls with some girlfriends. We got home Sunday night, had company Monday and are packing up to head out again. Yikes!
So, here's a fast catch up in photos, videos and stories (unfortunately, I seem to continually put my camera down, so these are so poor, it's a little funny):
During one of our stints at home, we brought out a car that Great Grandma and Grandpa Sackett gave her. It was her first time playing with it, because it was little big for her before, but she loves all of the lights and buttons.
Did she yell, "Attack!" at the end, or was that my imagination?
In May, we went to Lethbridge for a wedding and a visit. Here's the majority of Brad's brothers, sisters, spouses and kids. Just try to get a photo where everyone is looking at the same camera, smiling. Ha! Gracie's trying to leap out of my arms and Tara's directing the photo shoot...

Gracie and Kale got to hang out. Kale was a little more interested in her eyes and her hair on our first visit, (resulting in a bit of a swollen eye that we're still trying to heal), but she was ready for him when we returned two weeks later. The first time they saw each other, Kale came crawling over to say hi and before he could get settled, Gracie two hand shoved him. Apparently, she's toughened up these past weeks.
Here they are, getting along, going for a walk:

Gracie's been sleeping through the night again (hallelujah!) for about a month, which I'm hoping will help my baby brain. Unfortunately, she has been falling asleep sitting up. She pulls herself up to sitting after I lay her down, and then slowly falls asleep. She just lets her head drop right between her knees onto the mattress. We keep having to go in and unfold her, because this can't be comffortable:

Even more recently, she has started pulling herself up on the edge of the crib. Soon, she'll have a tin can to drag along the bars.
For our entire week in Hanna, I didn't take a single photo... My mom took some, so maybe I can steal some from her later. Gracie and Jada played a lot, we went to a waterpark, met up with my aunt and grandparents, got to visit my friend Kylee and her new baby girl, we visited with Curtis and Brandi and mom and dad, and we took Gracie to the Handhills Stampede. Very fun week!
This is one of the only photos I took of our girl's weekend:

Some may wonder why the driver is not looking at the road.... I'm a little curious myself, but Sam's square
was very yummy. We had a blast and I can't wait for next year to go again.
We hit fantastic sales, spent all of our money, stayed in a hotel for the sick and dying, went out dancing, played rock paper scissors with a mermaid, got cheered for by a pirate, locked Lacey in the truck, ate supremely salty popcorn made by Jesus, and introduced a lot of people to flip cup and the wave game. Good times.
Okay, now to clean up and pack for our next adventures!