Since I was pregnant when we moved here, I didn't sign up for many things. I took a yoga class, but couldn't do all of the moves with my belly in the way... now I'm having fun picking out what I'm going to do. The best part is that there are a lot of things that Gracie and I can do together.
We've all ready started a strollercise class which is great! It kicks my butt, but makes me feel better. It's been a few months since I did any intense cardio and I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. I think I'll keep it up once a week next year and maybe a few others.
I'm looking at taking a dance class with my friend Lacey and then another daytime class with Gracie. Either Salsa Babies or Mommylicious. Don't they sound great! Both of them are classes I can do with Gracie and are during the daytime so we're home when Brad's home.
So, while I decide, here are a few pictures of Gracie, right after she woke up today. Aren't I lucky?
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