Our Christmas break consisted of many miles and many smiles...We went to Hanna to visit my family, then Crossfield to see the Sackett side, then back to Hanna for a skating party for the Benedict side, then off to Lethbridge for new years with the Higginson side and lots of visiting friends..... all in 11 days. Phew! See why we're glad to be home?
Now it's back to regular food, regular sleep hours, regular schedules, just life.
Again, I took hardly any pictures because everyone else is taking so many. If you have some, please send them my way. These are some that my mom took over the holidays:
My little fairy (thanks Great Aunty Rhonda for the super cute dress!)

Gracie with Great Grandpa:

Gracie's Christmas Sleeper:

Cuddling with Papa:

Jada's little green dress (Another Great Aunty Rhonda number):

Jada opening her gift from us:

Hope you all had a great holiday season and all the best in 2010!
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