Gracie got her first tooth last Wednesday, which just happened to be my birthday. Happy Birthday mom! It's still too tiny to get a picture of, but when it comes up a bit more, I'll show it off.
For now, this is what I woke up to on my birthday:
What a great start to the day! Happy girl, crazy hair, ridiculously cute.
Brad's sister Tara had her baby on Good Friday! That just makes Good a little better, doesn't it?? Paige Dawn is her name and she's a little beauty. We'll be down to see her next week. Can't wait.
This is a picture of our SalsaBabies group. Unfortunately, some missed the last class so not everyone is in the picture, but a good portion of the group was there. Such a fun class for both moms and babes.
Notice there are a few sleepers in the group? Too cute.
And my tiny dancer:

And a picture of Gracie and my mom sizing each other up when she came for a visit a few weeks ago.

Now we have a few days at home to get back on a schedule. Can't wait!
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