First, she was a fairy....
Then, she came home and eyed up the decorations in her pre-trick or treating Halloween outfit.
Then, she became a zebra!
Look at my tail!
And ran through the streets yelling "Trick or Treat!" whether we were near a door or not.
It was very fun! She liked giving out candy so much, that I couldn't get her to stay in bed. When trick or treaters came to the door, she kept hopping up and running out to see their costumes. And I let her have one fun size box of smarties all day. That was it!
(Please, don't ask how many I've had. Apparently I'm better at being a mother than I am at taking care of myself... come to think about it, I suppose I should be limiting Baby #2 a little more.... I'm officially cut off!)
Hope you had a great Halloween, too!